[Chém] The process of learning Android

From time to time not writing, today well-inspired to cutting wind came up to you on The process of learning Android, or in other words the steps to learn Android. But please note that these are the words “chop wind – chém” her aunt is starting to learn Android and search learning Android. But it may also have something useful to do is learn but Aunt “pumpkin” how to learn. Please allow the following you will replace from its “school” words table “inverse” or “naughty” because I see against no one was bored bored very quickly learned the@@.

The process of everything paid through 5 stage.


Running Hello World and some miscellaneous – The process beginning naughty

At the onset of adversity, you usually have to install the tool and these whisker, these things do it quickly, and I do not mean to mention here. Once installed, then look for the online tutorial on how to create and run an application that quickly and often “Hello world” to reward yourself after the initial effort.

First run the application and then, “praises” =)). What Next, try a few things “basic” to mischief was by dragging and dropping fast as Button, TextView, EditText to practice click button, changing text, insert information,…

Naughty initial process ends! and we began to see the excitement and happiness…


Search interface layout – Stage “inverse” actually start

Please consult the manual entries or manipulation instructions with Layout. Specially encouraged his friend use Linearlayout because it is accessible and easy to use at the start. After feeling okay okay, do not ever use it, Please read more RelativeLayout. If LinearLayout help themselves accessible, easy to design the RelativeLayout will help you have nice GUI layout and eye-catching.

The layout you need to find this button at left back for the other button, This TextView under the other IMAGEVIEW,… that's what you need to do. And to be able to implement it, Please see the app in the Play store and wonder “How I can do so right interface?”

And my friend (very pờ Cairo) emphasize to you is let them go against and interested in the Layout.


Find ways to handle data and data in Java – The process of reverse thinking

This section I will guide you away from part to part.

  • First make sure you know about Button, TextView, EditText,… (something you have – basic).
  • Then take a View to ListView, GridView and customize them. And now you need to know more about RecyclerView. Get reverse them as if you hit AOE, LOL, Pikachu clearing. =))
  • Ultimately, almost all applications are bridge Database and you need to stir fry it.


The operating principle of Android – Learn the rules

Particularly this seems paradoxical bit… Why learn the rules after the game boring and =)) ??? Dear aunt is separately with Android or whatever, we often do to the psychology that product, then find, Such new mood =)). And one thing is what I mentioned above, including Database is fundamental problems, but can not “boring” is where. Why should learn the rules? When interim stabilize above these, to be against to the app and do okay okay, you need to know the structure, parameter setting project, the operation of the activity, fragment,… how. That's the rules of the game. And now you find out it is equitable, right time.

Cultivating professional – Intensive internal logistics


Almost after undergoing on, you can take a selfie that I was close in deepening and =)). Now let for cultivating more “hegemony martial”. This stage is very gentle but very laborious, can say that you were able to start work, Proceeding with adversity. Note incondite appropriate interface era, current as of this writing, the interface is crowned Material. And the depth of what you're doing. For example, you are working on a map app, then dig deeper on the map, do specialize in taking and exchange data with the web check out json trong android,…

In conclusion all this only chém:
Hello world => Basic Inverter: Button, textview,…=> Class Design, inversely Layout => Handling Java ListView, GridView, Database => Android Operating Principles (Activity, Fragment,…) => String Peek.

Tutorial Android

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