Library expression algorithmically calculated Balan

His library built on java platform to serve the calculated value of complex expressions. One of the main functions of the library include:

Update 09/10/2014: version 1.1: Fix & catch some errors, notified when non-standard operations.

  • isNumber(String s) : returns true if s is the number, otherwise it returns false
  • isNumber(char c): returns true if s is the number, otherwise it returns false
  • numberToString(a double, int radix, int len): returns the string corresponding to the num in the musculature of the radix (2, 8, 10, 16) and rounding len characters commas.
  • postFix(String math): returns 1 the suffix string of math expressions.
  • primeMulti(a double): returns 1 chain analysis is a prime factor num.
  • round(a double, int len): returns 1 string result is rounded design with wool num digits after comma. If num is an integer, it returns an integer.
  • valueMath(String math): returns the string is the result of math expressions.
  • getRadix() and setRadix(int): take and put some muscle calculations (Contacts 2, 8, 10, 16).
  • isDegOrRad() and setDegOrRad(boolean): retrieve and set the Deg (true) or Rad (false).

The operator can perform basic operations, enhance (trigonometric, combination unconformity), the calculation of the base system. Generally, the specific function in calculator program here.


Download Library here

Read more:
Calculate the value of the expression suffix - Calculate value of the postfix Equation
Jump infix expression to postfix - Java - converts infix to postfix
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