[C / C ] Simulation of strategic coordination process

About the algorithm coordination process will not present themselves in this post, you can refer to read on the net if you want (may your will write about them in a certain beautiful day). In this article I just would like to introduce (Share) with the code you calculate, Simulation of this strategy alone.

The program will include 2 file là file input.txt and program files dieuphoitientrinh.cpp.
In file included INPUT.TXT:
– The first line is the number of processes (n)
– The first line 2 including 2 value is the strategic coordination and quantum
2: Round Robin
3: Exclusive Priority
4: Priority non-exclusive
5: SJF exclusive
6: SJF nonexclusive

– n the next line, Each line consists of 4 value respectively process name, time list ready, CPU processing time and priority (convention priority 1 > 2 > 3 > … ).

Ví dụ file input.txt

5 2
P1  0 20 3
P2  3 6 2
P3  3 5 1
P4  7 4 0

Then, data include 4 process, coordinated strategy was chosen as the exclusive SJF, quantum value = 2. Process P1 have time to list ready (timeRL) was 0, CPU processing time (timeCPU) was 20, Priority is 3, …

Results of running the program:
coordination process

Here is the program code or you can download here. All inquiries, suggestions please connected via email or facebook with her.

 * --------------- @author: nguyenvanquan7826 ---------------
 * ------------ cachhoc.net -------------

#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <queue>

#define INP "input.txt"

using namespace std;

struct process {
	char name[10];
	int timeRL, timeCPU, priority;
	int timeOUT, timeIN, timewait, timesave;
	int index; //the index of pr[i]

typedef process *ListP;

int quantum;
int set;

void input(ListP &pr, int &n, int &timeOUT);

void output_input(ListP pr, int n);
void output_FIFO(ListP pr, int n, int timeOUT);
void output_RR(ListP pr, ListP RL, int n, int m, int timeOUT);
void output_PRIORITY_preemptive(ListP pr, int n, int timeOUT);
void output_PRIORITY_nopreemptive(ListP pr, ListP RL, int n, int m, int timeOUT);
void output_SJF_preemptive(ListP pr, int n, int timeOUT);
void output_SJF_nopreemptive(ListP pr, ListP RL, int n, int m, int timeOUT);

void OUTPUT(ListP pr, ListP RL, int n, int m, int timeOUT, int set);

void process_FIFO(ListP &pr, int n, int timeOUT);
void process_RR(ListP &pr, ListP &RL, int n, int &m, int timeOUT, int quantum);
void process_PRIORITY_preemptive(ListP &pr, int n, int timeOUT);
void process_PRIORITY_nopreemptive(ListP &pr, ListP &RL, int n, int &m, int timeOUT);
void process_SJF_preemptive(ListP &pr, int n, int timeOUT);
void process_SJF_nopreemptive(ListP &pr, ListP &RL, int n, int &m, int timeOUT);

void PROCESS(ListP &pr, ListP &RL, int n, int &m, int timeOUT, int set);

void input(ListP &pr, int &n, int &timeOUT) {
	timeOUT = 0;
	ifstream in(INP);
	if (in == NULL) {
		cout << "Not input file !";
	in >> n;
	in >> set;
	in >> quantum;
	pr = new process[n];
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		in >> pr[i].name;
		in >> pr[i].timeRL;
		in >> pr[i].timeCPU;
		in >> pr[i].priority;
		if (timeOUT < pr[i].timeRL)
			timeOUT = pr[i].timeRL + pr[i].timeCPU;
			timeOUT += pr[i].timeCPU;
		pr[i].index = i;

void output_input(ListP pr, int n) {
	cout << endl << "---------------INPUT---------------" << endl << endl;
	cout << "Name" << setw(10) << "TimeRL" << setw(10) << "TimeCPU" << setw(10)
			<< "Priority" << endl;
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
		cout << pr[i].name << setw(10) << pr[i].timeRL << setw(10)
				<< pr[i].timeCPU << setw(10) << pr[i].priority << endl;
	cout << "quantum = " << quantum << endl;
	cout << endl << "---------------OUTPUT---------------" << endl << endl;

void output_FIFO(ListP pr, int n, int timeOUT) {
	cout << "FIFO" << endl << endl << "PROCESS" << endl << endl;
	cout << "Name" << setw(10) << "TimeRL" << setw(10) << "TimeCPU" << setw(10)
			<< "Priority" << setw(10) << "TimeIN" << setw(10) << "TimeOUT"
			<< setw(10) << "Timewait" << setw(10) << "Timesave" << endl;
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
		cout << pr[i].name << setw(10) << pr[i].timeRL << setw(10)
				<< pr[i].timeCPU << setw(10) << pr[i].priority << setw(10)
				<< pr[i].timeIN << setw(10) << pr[i].timeOUT << setw(10)
				<< pr[i].timewait << setw(10) << pr[i].timesave << endl;

void output_RR(ListP pr, ListP RL, int n, int m, int timeOUT) {
	cout << "ROUND ROBIN" << endl << endl << "OUTPUT" << endl << endl;
	cout << "Name" << setw(10) << "TimeOUT" << setw(10) << "Timewait"
			<< setw(10) << "Timesave" << endl;
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
		cout << pr[i].name << setw(10) << pr[i].timeOUT << setw(10)
				<< pr[i].timewait << setw(10) << pr[i].timesave << endl;

	cout << endl << endl << "---PROCESS---" << endl << endl;

	cout << "Name" << setw(10) << "TimeRL" << setw(10) << "TimeCPU" << setw(10)
			<< "Priority" << setw(10) << "TimeIN" << setw(10) << "TimeOUT"
			<< endl;
	for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
		cout << RL[i].name << setw(10) << RL[i].timeRL << setw(10)
				<< RL[i].timeCPU << setw(10) << RL[i].priority << setw(10)
				<< RL[i].timeIN << setw(10) << RL[i].timeOUT << endl;

void output_PRIORITY_preemptive(ListP pr, int n, int timeOUT) {
	cout << "PRIORITY preemptive" << endl << endl << "PROCESS" << endl << endl;
	cout << "Name" << setw(10) << "TimeRL" << setw(10) << "TimeCPU" << setw(10)
			<< "Priority" << setw(10) << "TimeIN" << setw(10) << "TimeOUT"
			<< setw(10) << "Timewait" << setw(10) << "Timesave" << endl;
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
		cout << pr[i].name << setw(10) << pr[i].timeRL << setw(10)
				<< pr[i].timeCPU << setw(10) << pr[i].priority << setw(10)
				<< pr[i].timeIN << setw(10) << pr[i].timeOUT << setw(10)
				<< pr[i].timewait << setw(10) << pr[i].timesave << endl;

void output_SJF_preemptive(ListP pr, int n, int timeOUT) {
	cout << "SJF preemptive" << endl << endl << "PROCESS" << endl << endl;
	cout << "Name" << setw(10) << "TimeRL" << setw(10) << "TimeCPU" << setw(10)
			<< "Priority" << setw(10) << "TimeIN" << setw(10) << "TimeOUT"
			<< setw(10) << "Timewait" << setw(10) << "Timesave" << endl;
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
		cout << pr[i].name << setw(10) << pr[i].timeRL << setw(10)
				<< pr[i].timeCPU << setw(10) << pr[i].priority << setw(10)
				<< pr[i].timeIN << setw(10) << pr[i].timeOUT << setw(10)
				<< pr[i].timewait << setw(10) << pr[i].timesave << endl;

void output_PRIORITY_nopreemptive(ListP pr, ListP RL, int n, int m,
		int timeOUT) {
	cout << "PRIORITY nopreemptive" << endl << endl << "OUTPUT" << endl << endl;
	cout << "Name" << setw(10) << "TimeOUT" << setw(10) << "Timewait"
			<< setw(10) << "Timesave" << endl;
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
		cout << pr[i].name << setw(10) << pr[i].timeOUT << setw(10)
				<< pr[i].timewait << setw(10) << pr[i].timesave << endl;

	cout << endl << endl << "---PROCESS---" << endl << endl;

	cout << "Name" << setw(10) << "TimeRL" << setw(10) << "TimeCPU" << setw(10)
			<< "Priority" << setw(10) << "TimeIN" << setw(10) << "TimeOUT" << endl;
	for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
		cout << RL[i].name << setw(10) << RL[i].timeRL << setw(10)
				<< RL[i].timeCPU << setw(10) << RL[i].priority << setw(10)
				<< RL[i].timeIN << setw(10) << RL[i].timeOUT << endl;

void output_SJF_nopreemptive(ListP pr, ListP RL, int n, int m, int timeOUT) {
	cout << "SJF nopreemptive" << endl << endl << "OUTPUT" << endl << endl;
	cout << "Name" << setw(10) << "TimeOUT" << setw(10) << "Timewait"
			<< setw(10) << "Timesave" << endl;
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
		cout << pr[i].name << setw(10) << pr[i].timeOUT << setw(10)
				<< pr[i].timewait << setw(10) << pr[i].timesave << endl;

	cout << endl << endl << "---PROCESS---" << endl << endl;

	cout << "Name" << setw(10) << "TimeRL" << setw(10) << "TimeCPU" << setw(10)
			<< "Priority" << setw(10) << "TimeIN" << setw(10) << "TimeOUT" << endl;
	for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
		cout << RL[i].name << setw(10) << RL[i].timeRL << setw(10)
				<< RL[i].timeCPU << setw(10) << RL[i].priority << setw(10)
				<< RL[i].timeIN << setw(10) << RL[i].timeOUT << endl;

void process_FIFO(ListP &pr, int n, int timeOUT) {
	ListP RL = new process[n];
	int m = -1;
	for (int t = 0; t < timeOUT; t++) {
		for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
			if (t == pr[i].timeRL)
				RL[++m] = pr[i];
	timeOUT = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i <= m; i++) {
		if (timeOUT <= RL[i].timeRL) {
			timeOUT = RL[i].timeRL + RL[i].timeCPU;
			RL[i].timeIN = RL[i].timeRL;
		} else {
			timeOUT += RL[i].timeCPU;
			RL[i].timeIN = RL[i - 1].timeOUT;
		RL[i].timeOUT = timeOUT;
		RL[i].timewait = RL[i].timeOUT - (RL[i].timeRL + RL[i].timeCPU);
		RL[i].timesave = RL[i].timeOUT - RL[i].timeRL;
	pr = RL;

void process_RR(ListP &pr, ListP &RL, int n, int &m, int timeOUT, int quantum) //Round Robin
	RL = new process;
	ListP pr1 = pr; //list temp of pr
	m = 0; // the number of element in RL
	int count = 0; //count time quantum
	int j = 0;
	int temptime = 0;
	for (int t = 0; t <= timeOUT; t++) {
		if (m > 0 && j < m) {
			if (count <= quantum && RL[j].timeCPU - temptime > 0)
			if (count == quantum && RL[j].timeCPU - temptime > 0) {
				RL = (process *) realloc(RL, m * sizeof(process));
				RL[m - 1] = RL[j];
				RL[m - 1].timeCPU -= temptime;
			if (RL[j].timeCPU - temptime == 0) {

				pr1[RL[j].index].timeOUT = t;
				pr1[RL[j].index].timewait = pr1[RL[j].index].timeOUT
						- (pr1[RL[j].index].timeRL + pr1[RL[j].index].timeCPU);
				pr1[RL[j].index].timesave = pr1[RL[j].index].timeOUT - pr1[RL[j].index].timeRL;
			if (count == quantum || RL[j].timeCPU - temptime == 0) {
				RL[j].timeOUT = t;
				RL[j].timeCPU = temptime;
				RL[j].timeIN = t - RL[j].timeCPU;
				temptime = 0;
				count = 0;

		for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
			if (t == pr1[i].timeRL) {
				RL = (process *) realloc(RL, m * sizeof(process));
				RL[m - 1] = pr1[i];

void process_PRIORITY_preemptive(ListP &pr, int n, int timeOUT) {
	ListP RL = new process[n];
	ListP pr1 = pr; //list temp of pr
	int j = 0, m = 0;
	int temptime = 0;
	for (int t = 0; t <= timeOUT; t++) {
		if (m > 0 && j < m) {
			if (temptime < RL[j].timeCPU)
			if (temptime == RL[j].timeCPU) {
				RL[j].timeIN = t - RL[j].timeCPU;
				RL[j].timeOUT = RL[j].timeIN + RL[j].timeCPU;
				RL[j].timewait = RL[j].timeOUT - (RL[j].timeRL + RL[j].timeCPU);
				RL[j].timesave = RL[j].timeOUT - RL[j].timeRL;
				temptime = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
			if (t == pr1[i].timeRL) {
				int k = m;
				while (k > j + 1 && pr1[i].priority < RL[k - 1].priority) {
					RL[k] = RL[k - 1];
				RL[k] = pr1[i];
	pr = RL;

void process_PRIORITY_nopreemptive(ListP &pr, ListP &RL, int n, int &m,
		int timeOUT) {
	RL = new process;
	ListP pr1 = pr; //list temp of pr
	process temp;
	int j = 0;
	m = 0;
	int temptime = 0;
	for (int t = 0; t <= timeOUT; t++) {
		if (m > 0 && j < m) {
			if (temptime < RL[j].timeCPU)
			if (temptime == RL[j].timeCPU) {
				RL[j].timeIN = t - RL[j].timeCPU;
				RL[j].timeOUT = RL[j].timeIN + RL[j].timeCPU;
				RL[j].timewait = RL[j].timeOUT - (RL[j].timeRL + RL[j].timeCPU);
				RL[j].timesave = RL[j].timeOUT - RL[j].timeRL;

				pr1[RL[j].index].timeOUT = t;
				pr1[RL[j].index].timewait = pr1[RL[j].index].timeOUT
						- (pr1[RL[j].index].timeRL + pr1[RL[j].index].timeCPU);
				pr1[RL[j].index].timesave = pr1[RL[j].index].timeOUT - pr1[RL[j].index].timeRL;

				temptime = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
			if (t == pr1[i].timeRL) {
				int k = m - 1;
				RL = (process *) realloc(RL, m * sizeof(process));
				if (temptime > 0 && pr1[i].priority < RL[j].priority) {
					k = m - 1;
					RL = (process *) realloc(RL, m * sizeof(process));
					for (k = m - 1; k > j + 1; k--)
						RL[k] = RL[k - 2];
					RL[j + 1] = pr1[i];

					RL[j + 2] = RL[j];
					RL[j + 2].timeCPU -= temptime;

					RL[j].timeIN = t - temptime;
					RL[j].timeOUT = t;
					RL[j].timeCPU = temptime;
					temptime = 0;
				} else {
					while (k > j && pr1[i].priority < RL[k - 1].priority) {
						RL[k] = RL[k - 1];
					RL[k] = pr1[i];

void process_SJF_preemptive(ListP &pr, int n, int timeOUT) {
	ListP RL = new process[n];
	ListP pr1 = pr; //list temp of pr
	int j = 0, m = 0;
	int temptime = 0;
	for (int t = 0; t <= timeOUT; t++) {
		if (m > 0 && j < m) {
			if (temptime < RL[j].timeCPU)
			if (temptime == RL[j].timeCPU) {
				RL[j].timeIN = t - RL[j].timeCPU;
				RL[j].timeOUT = RL[j].timeIN + RL[j].timeCPU;
				RL[j].timewait = RL[j].timeOUT - (RL[j].timeRL + RL[j].timeCPU);
				RL[j].timesave = RL[j].timeOUT - RL[j].timeRL;
				temptime = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
			if (t == pr1[i].timeRL) {
				int k = m;
				while (k > j + 1 && pr1[i].timeCPU < RL[k - 1].timeCPU) {
					RL[k] = RL[k - 1];
				RL[k] = pr1[i];
	pr = RL;

void process_SJF_nopreemptive(ListP &pr, ListP &RL, int n, int &m,
		int timeOUT) {
	RL = new process;
	ListP pr1 = pr; //list temp of pr
	process temp;
	int j = 0;
	m = 0;
	int temptime = 0;
	for (int t = 0; t <= timeOUT; t++) {
		if (m > 0 && j < m) {
			if (temptime < RL[j].timeCPU)
			if (temptime == RL[j].timeCPU) {
				RL[j].timeIN = t - RL[j].timeCPU;
				RL[j].timeOUT = RL[j].timeIN + RL[j].timeCPU;
				RL[j].timewait = RL[j].timeOUT - (RL[j].timeRL + RL[j].timeCPU);
				RL[j].timesave = RL[j].timeOUT - RL[j].timeRL;

				pr1[RL[j].index].timeOUT = t;
				pr1[RL[j].index].timewait = pr1[RL[j].index].timeOUT
						- (pr1[RL[j].index].timeRL + pr1[RL[j].index].timeCPU);
				pr1[RL[j].index].timesave = pr1[RL[j].index].timeOUT - pr1[RL[j].index].timeRL;

				temptime = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
			if (t == pr1[i].timeRL) {
				int k = m - 1;
				RL = (process *) realloc(RL, m * sizeof(process));
				if (temptime > 0 && pr1[i].timeCPU < RL[j].timeCPU - temptime) {
					k = m - 1;
					RL = (process *) realloc(RL, m * sizeof(process));
					for (k = m - 1; k > j + 1; k--)
						RL[k] = RL[k - 2];
					RL[j + 1] = pr1[i];

					RL[j + 2] = RL[j];
					RL[j + 2].timeCPU -= temptime;

					RL[j].timeIN = t - temptime;
					RL[j].timeOUT = t;
					RL[j].timeCPU = temptime;
					temptime = 0;
				} else {
					while (k > j + 1 && pr1[i].timeCPU < RL[k - 1].timeCPU) {
						RL[k] = RL[k - 1];
						if (k == j + 1
								&& pr1[i].timeCPU < RL[k - 1].timeCPU - temptime) {
							RL[k] = RL[k - 1];
					RL[k] = pr1[i];

void PROCESS(ListP &pr, ListP &RL, int n, int &m, int timeOUT, int select) {
	switch (select) {
	case 1:
		process_FIFO(pr, n, timeOUT);
	case 2:
		process_RR(pr, RL, n, m, timeOUT, quantum);
	case 3:
		process_PRIORITY_preemptive(pr, n, timeOUT);
	case 4:
		process_PRIORITY_nopreemptive(pr, RL, n, m, timeOUT);
	case 5:
		process_SJF_preemptive(pr, n, timeOUT);
	case 6:
		process_SJF_nopreemptive(pr, RL, n, m, timeOUT);

void OUTPUT(ListP pr, ListP RL, int n, int m, int timeOUT, int select) {
	switch (select) {
	case 1:
		output_FIFO(pr, n, timeOUT);
	case 2:
		output_RR(pr, RL, n, m, timeOUT);
	case 3:
		output_PRIORITY_preemptive(pr, n, timeOUT);
	case 4:
		output_PRIORITY_nopreemptive(pr, RL, n, m, timeOUT);
	case 5:
		output_SJF_preemptive(pr, n, timeOUT);
	case 6:
		output_SJF_nopreemptive(pr, RL, n, m, timeOUT);
	cout << endl << "-----------------END-----------------" << endl << endl;

int main() {
	ListP pr, RL;
	int n, m, timeOUT;
	input(pr, n, timeOUT);
	output_input(pr, n);
	PROCESS(pr, RL, n, m, timeOUT, set);
	OUTPUT(pr, RL, n, m, timeOUT, set);
	return 0;

Read more:
Simulation Strategy Coordination exclusive SJF
Round Robin simulation strategy management process